
"Kimberly Kay Actor Reel"

"The Obituary Lady, Episode 1"

"The Obituary Lady, Episode 2"


Written by Lew Gardner after the tragedy of September 11, 2001

"Being a Star"

My earliest memory is of wanting to be an actor and entertaining anyone who would listen. My Mother would often send me to my room to entertain myself in my mirror! By: Lew Gardner

"Lily Duval a Spiritual Life"

I live in Woodstock. Type casting – need I say more? By: Lew Gardner

"Alice Bunham"

My characterization of Alice is based on my Grandma who smoked, drank, carried two handguns in her purse and regularly told me I was a brat! By: Lew Gardner

"At the Maytag"

A proper southern lady can skillfully land an insult with that sugary, sweet accent! By: Lew Gardner

"Wilma Adlington"

Wilma is a woman from the Ozarks who is emotionally dead. By: Lew Gardner